Pada kesempatan saat ini MyPoem akan membagikan kata kata Mutiara yang keren banget guys, temanya yaitu tentang kata mutiara cinta Bahasa inggris. Semoga kata kata bijak dibawah ini bisa mewakili perasaan cinta kalian ya guys.
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kata2 mutiara cinta |
Kata2 Mutiara Cinta Bahasa Inggris
Kata Kata Cinta Sejati
Berikut ini kumpulan kata kata mutiara cinta dengan beragam sudut pandang bagian pertama ya guys:
- If you have no reason when you love someone, then you will have no reason to stop loving him.
- A person is loved because he is loved, no reason is needed to love.
- I often hear that falling in love can happen at any time and doesn't need a reason. Because of that, I also learned to understand that sometimes a love story ends like this, and it doesn't need a reason either.
- True love doesn't need an explanation because true love is love without a reason.
- Love really does not need a reason. Love is a feeling in the heart that cannot be described by words created by humans.
- I have no reason why I love you. Only one thing I know, I am happy when with you.
- I love you without knowing why or where or where it came from. I just love you with no problems or pride. I love you like this because I only feel so comfortable when your hands are on my chest and when you are asleep.
- You who agree that love doesn't need a reason, shouldn't ask for an explanation at a breakup.
- I've been waiting, I don't need to tell you how long, later you will be surprised. I spent time seducing God for desires I couldn't fulfill myself. I don't think it would be enough just to make love as an excuse.
- Love doesn't need a reason, because love is not an excuse.
- Love is felt not thought, he needs more in return than reason.
- To fall in love with someone doesn't need excuses and rewards, thanks for making me aware. Hopefully we don't hate each other.
- I do not want to fall for my outlet. Love doesn't need a reason, but for me love is about feelings.
- If you confess love to someone, don't ever expect him to love you too. Because to fall in love with someone there is no need for a reason.
Kata Kata Mutiara Cinta
- Love does not need a reason because if that reason is lost, it will disappear with him.
- If someone asks why I love you, I don't have an answer for that. Because what I know love doesn't need a reason, but proof.
- If falling in love doesn't need a reason, why does a breakup need a reason?
- No matter how you are, I guess love doesn't need a reason to endure.
- Love can't be described because loving you doesn't need a reason.
- When we really love something, we don't need a reason, why? Because basically love is not something that makes us dare to do stupid things.
- Love is formless, but love can be felt by the heart. Love does not need a reason because in fact love exists without logic, it persists even though you know that the one you love will never be yours.
- Love can't be wrong, relationships can. It doesn't take a reason to love, but it takes more than a reason to be in a relationship.
- Love doesn't need a reason. I love him because he is him. Special that cannot be expressed in words.
- Nobody is able to explain the reasons why they like someone. If there is, then it must be an original answer because love does not need a reason.
- No matter how good or bad you are, I still love you with all my heart, you know why? Because love doesn't need reasons or conditions.
- Love doesn't need a reason. But, love is enough of a reason why someone is able to do stupid things in his life, including waiting for years, even though in the end it doesn't get anything.
- I love you without a cause. Falling in love doesn't need a reason, if there's a reason it's not love.
- If falling in love doesn't need a reason, then why is it that when moving from love there is always an excuse and even seems to be making excuses?
- Maybe falling in love doesn't need a reason, but you better drop your heart slowly.
- When love no longer needs a reason, a reason needs love.
Kata-Kata Baper Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya
True love doesn't have to mean together forever. Sometimes true love is separate, but nothing changes.
Artinya : cinta sejati tidak selalu tentang kebersamaan, ada kalanya berjauhan namun tetap mencinta satu sama lain tanpa perubahan
A sign of maturity is when someone hurts you and you try to understand their situation rather than hurting them back.
Artinya : Tanda kedewasaan seseorang ketika dia disakiti namun berusaha mengerti situasi yang terjadi dibandingkan membalas rasa sakitnya
Never cry for someone who hurt you. Smile and say 'thank you' because he has given you a chance to find someone better.
Artinya : Jangan pernah menangisi orang yang menyakitimu, ucapkan terima kasih kepadanya karena sudah memberikan peluang untuk mencari yang baru
When you have found true love, do not intend to find it again. Hug and hold it as long as you have it.
Artinya : Ketika kamu sudah menemukan cinta sejati, jangan pernah ingin mencari cinta lainnya lagi. Peluk dan pegang erat cinta sejatimu selama yang kau mampu
If you love two people at the same time, then choose the second person because if you really love the first person, you can't possibly fall in love with the second person.
ARtinya : Jika kamu mencintai dua orang disaat yang bersamaan pilihlah yang kedua karena jika kamu benar-benar mencintai yang pertama kamu tidak mungkin jatuh cinta sama yang nomor dua.
I will be the reason why you smile, accompany you when no one wants to be with you, and wipe every tear that you drop because I exist to be part of the history of your life.
Artinya: Aku akan menjadi alas an untuk kamu tersenyum, menemni kamu disaat yang lain menjauhimu dan menghapus setiap luka air matamu. Aku hadir disini untuk menjadi bagian dalam sejarah hidupmu
A woman who really loves you may get angry for various reasons, but she will never leave you for one or a thousand reasons.
ARtinya : Wanita yang benar benar mencintaimu dia akan marah denganmu dengan beragam alas an. Namun dia tidak akan pernah pergi meninggalkanmu dengan sejuta alasan
Distance never actually exists. Meeting and separation are born of feelings because distance is also just a geographical location, it can be taken by anything to pay for longing.
The beauty of love can fade when trials come, you must face these trials patiently so that beautiful love returns to beauty and does not leave you.
No matter how much I try not to be sad anymore, still my tears cannot be held back. Even so, I have sincerely for losing you.
Humans must be smarter in dealing with problems and accompanied with patience. That is the best way out to deal with these problems. Because we know, all creatures must have problems.
A wandering soul, but can't change my heart that is still waiting for the same love. Yes! My heart is still waiting for your love!
Despair when unrequited love hurts yourself. Be patient with you and open up new hopes for a more beautiful love.
When you break up, you feel very sad, but miss other feelings that are mixed up. The best way to deal with it is patiently because time will give you the answer to everything.
What do I need to be afraid of if my soul mate is not him or her not you. I'm just enjoying my solitude and will fall in love one last time with God's chosen mate.
Many things you need to consider to choose who is the best to be a life companion, actually it is wrong! Only the most important thing, is he who is able to guard your heart.
I was perfectly stabbed by my own illusions. Betrayal by my heart that was busy knotting a sign of love.
Religion is introduced less as happy tidings and promises of love, but as authoritarian whipers, whipers and security guards.
The fruit of silence is prayer. The fruit of prayer is faith. The fruit of faith is love. The fruit of love is service. The fruit of service is peace.
You may hold my hand for a while, but you hold my heart forever.
To be loved deeply by someone who gives you strength. Loving someone deeply gives you courage.
When someone can make you the happiest person and the saddest person at the same time, that's the real time. It's something worthwhile.
Loving is a great gift that God gives to humans. Therefore, we need to always be grateful and keep all these gifts.
God never wrongly gives the gift of love to His servants because a love that comes must have a meaning and a reason.
My beloved, do not you cry, be happy my beloved, do not have sorrow to cover you. I hope, you are always in a happy state, even though from far away I can not make you happy and make you laugh.
Simple in love, sincere in accepting flaws, and faithful in relationships.
If you love someone, set them free. If they come back, then it's yours. If not, leave.
The greatest happiness in life is the belief that we are loved, loved for ourselves, or rather, loved apart from ourselves.
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kata2 mutiara cinta |
Kata-Kata Cinta Bahasa Inggris Sedih
I hope there are bandages that I can use to heal the wounds in my heart.
Why do I love you, but you don't even respect me?
Even when you left me, this heart wants to speak to keep you from going.
If someday we separate, you should never forget all the beautiful memories of our love story.
When trust is broken, the word sorry has no meaning.
I envy the people who can meet you every day.
Sometimes, when someone disappears, the whole world goes down.
I want to tell you about my day. I want to laugh with you about yourself. But, all days start and end the same. My days start and end without you.
Even when you left, I made you cry by my crude words. You turned back, I'm sorry.
To be honest, I feel really stupid for maintaining something that keeps hurting me.
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