
15+ Gambar Wallpaper Cinta Romantis Terlengkap Dengan Romance Story

    Helllooo sobat MyPoem kali ini kami ingin membagikan kumpulan gambar romantis dengan kualitas terbaik, dan juga gambar kata kata romantis yang sangat penuh makna cinta didalamnya. Selain itu ada juga ulasan tentang romantis, dan juga kisah romantis dibagian bawah artikel ya

    Gambar Wallpaper Cinta Romantis

    1. Contoh gambar romantis sunset

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    2. Gambar Romantis Pengantin

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    3. Gambar romantis malam hari

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    4. gambar romantis tepi danau

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    5. Gambar romantis bergandengan tangan

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    Gambar Pasangan Romantis

    1. Gambar romantis sepasang kekasih

    Gambar Pasangan Romantis
    Romance wallpaper

    2. gambar romantis alam bebas

    Gambar Pasangan Romantis
    Romance wallpaper

    3. gambar romantis sunset tepi pantai

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    Romance wallpaper

    4. gambar romantis berjalan di pantai

    Gambar Pasangan Romantis
    Romance wallpaper

    5. gambar romantis banget melamar kekasih

    Gambar Pasangan Romantis
    Romance wallpaper

    Foto Pasangan Romantis

    1. foto pasangan romantis sunset

    Foto Pasangan Romantis
    Romance wallpaper

    2. foto pasangan romantis sunset danau

    Foto Pasangan Romantis
    Romance wallpaper

    3. Romance wallpaper sepasang kekasih

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    4. gambar romantis tepian kereta

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    5. Foto romantis sepasang kekasih 

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    Gambar Romantis Kartun

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    2. gambar romantis kartun tengah malam

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    3. Gambar romantis kartun saling bersandar

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    4.gambar romantis kartun berpelukan 

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    Gambar Kata Kata Romantis

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    2. gambar romantis tentang malam

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    Gambar Love Keren

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    5 Tanda Seseorang Punya Sisi Romantis

    Menatap Ke Matamu

    Jika seseorang lama melihat ke dalam mata Anda, ini adalah tanda menunjukkan ketertarikan. Jika orang tersebut malu atau tidak nyaman, dia mungkin akan melirik ke arah Anda dengan cepat tetapi sering untuk menghindari terlihat sedang menatap. Melihat Anda dan tersenyum juga merupakan nilai tambah.

    Membuat Penyesuaian dalam Penampilan

    Ketika seseorang tertarik pada Anda, dia ingin membuat kesan yang baik. Ini dapat memanifestasikan dirinya dalam perhatian halus dengan penampilan. Misalnya, seorang wanita mungkin menyisir rambutnya ke bahunya atau pria mungkin meluruskan kerahnya atau berulang kali memeriksa dasinya. Seringkali orang tersebut melakukannya secara tidak sadar.


    Hal tidak sadar lainnya yang dilakukan orang ketika mereka tertarik satu sama lain adalah mencerminkan gerakan satu sama lain. Misalnya, Anda mungkin memperhatikan bahwa ketika beberapa pasangan berjalan di jalan, kecepatan setiap orang sama persis dengan yang lain, hingga saat masing-masing mengayunkan lengannya.

    Pasangan juga dapat menyilangkan kaki pada saat yang sama, meletakkan kacamata, mengambil dan meletakkan peralatan makan pada waktu yang sama. Jika Anda melihat teman kencan Anda meniru Anda dengan cara ini, itu hal yang baik!

    Membukakan Pintu

    Tentu saja, seseorang yang terbuka tentang kehidupannya dapat dilihat sebagai salah satu tanda ketertarikan romansa, tetapi ada jenis keterbukaan lain yang terkait dengan postur dan posisi. Jika seseorang tertarik pada Anda, dia mungkin mencondongkan tubuh ke arah Anda saat mendengarkan atau berbicara dan melepaskan lengan untuk menunjukkan sikap ramah.

    Sentuhan Lembut

    Sentuhan juga bisa menjadi cara seseorang untuk menunjukkan ketertarikan. Ini bisa memberi Anda sentuhan ringan di lengan sebagai tanggapan atas lelucon atau meletakkan tangan di punggung Anda saat berjalan melalui restoran ke meja Anda. Beberapa bahkan mungkin menyisir rambut dari wajah Anda atau meletakkan tangan mereka di atas wajah Anda saat mengobrol.

    Ingin Menghabiskan Waktu Bersama

    Orang-orang yang menyukai Anda secara romantis akan menemukan cara apa pun untuk menghabiskan waktu bersama Anda. Ini termasuk menjalankan tugas dengan Anda, bergaul dengan Anda, dan melakukan tamasya yang direncanakan bersama. Jika Anda memiliki seseorang dalam hidup Anda yang suka melakukan tugas biasa berjalan bersama Anda, mereka mungkin tertarik kepada Anda.

    Tersipu Malu

    Bagi orang yang sedikit pemalu, wajah merona bisa menjadi tanda ketertarikan yang tidak disadari. Wajah memerah bisa terjadi ketika Anda merasa tertarik pada seseorang dengan akar evolusi yang mencerminkan respons orgasme, yang menandakan kesuburan.


    Jika seseorang tertarik pada Anda, ada kecenderungan alami untuk bersandar pada orang itu. Pikirkan tentang terakhir kali Anda sangat terlibat dalam percakapan. Tubuh Anda kemungkinan besar bergerak ke arah orang yang Anda temui. Kaki Anda mungkin menunjuk ke arah mereka, diikuti oleh batang tubuh dan bahu Anda. Tak pelak lagi tubuh Anda akan berakhir secara tidak sadar sejajar satu sama lain.

    Selain itu hal-hal berikut ini juga menunjukkan sisi romantis dalam diri seseorang

    Hal-hal Kecil Romantis

    • Tuliskan "Aku cinta kamu" pada uap di cermin kamar mandi setelah dia mandi.
    • Berikan Pelukan terbaikmu setiap kali bertemu
    • Tulis puisi. Setelah itu, gunakan Google Translator untuk menerjemahkan puisi ke dalam bahasa Prancis atau Italia. Kemudian, tulis dengan terjemahan di sisi belakang. Atau lebih baik lagi, sapa pasangan Anda di malam hari dan bacakan untuk mereka dengan penuh semangat. Berikan terjemahannya kepada mereka setelahnya.
    • Saat di depan umum, nyatakan “Aku mencintaimu,” (sebutkan nama pasangannya)
    • Buatlah CD berisi beberapa lagu yang bermakna bagi hubungan Anda.
    • Kejutkan dia di tempat kerja dan ajak dia makan siang
    • Kumpulkan hadiah kecil di atas bantalnya. Cokelat dan pesan bertuliskan "Cintamu seperti cokelat: manis dan lezat"
    • Jika pasanganmu satu lokasi denganmu kirim bunga dengan catatan dan kata-kata romantis didalamnya
    • Persembahkan sebuah lagu untuknya di radio dan kirimkan dia email yang memberitahukan kapan dia harus mendengarkan.
    • Masak makanan cinta spesial dari makanan favorit pasangan Anda. Putar musik favoritnya dan matikan lampu untuk makan malam romantis.
    • Kirim pesan teks atau email yang bertuliskan "Aku cinta kamu!"
    • Kirimkan kartu dan di dalamnya tuliskan 10 hal teratas yang Anda sukai dari pasangan Anda.
    • Beri dia foto Anda untuk dompetnya yang bertuliskan "Aku cinta kamu".
    • Tinggalkan catatan cinta di mobilnya yang memberitahunya untuk bersenang-senang.
    • Saat pasangan Anda tidak menduganya, beri dia ciuman yang indah, meskipun itu di depan umum!
    • Pergi nonton film romantis, duduk di barisan belakang, berpegangan tangan, dan berpelukan.
    • Raja Sehari / Ratu Sehari. Nyatakan bahwa Anda akan mendedikasikan hari tertentu hanya untuk pasangan Anda untuk melakukan apa pun yang mereka inginkan. Mungkin mulai dengan sarapan di tempat tidur.
    • Beli sebatang pohon dan undang pasangan Anda untuk menanamnya bersama Anda. Jelaskan bahwa pohon itu melambangkan cinta di antara Anda yang akan tumbuh selama bertahun-tahun.
    • Di tengah pembicaraan tentang bagaimana hari-hari Anda berjalan atau tugas-tugas yang harus diselesaikan, sela dan katakan "Ada sesuatu yang penting untuk kukatakan. Aku mencintaimu dan inilah alasannya. " Kemudian, buat daftar 5 hal (atau lebih) yang sangat Anda hargai dari pasangan Anda. Akhiri dengan ciuman dan katakan, "Oke, jadi kamu tadi membicarakan tentang pemanas air."
    • Tulis surat cinta kuno dan kirimkan. Bersikaplah romantis dan mewah. Bersenang-senanglah dengannya.
    • Sebelum pergi ke pesta bersama, buat beberapa kata kode rahasia yang bisa Anda gunakan selama percakapan. Anda bisa berkata satu sama lain, "Aku tidak sabar untuk membuatmu sendirian malam ini!" tanpa ada yang tahu!
    • Temukan hotel yang memiliki Jacuzzi dan pesanlah untuk malam yang menyenangkan.
    • Pasang iklan di iklan baris yang menyatakan cinta Anda. Kemudian, ambil koran, bungkus dengan busur, dan beri catatan kecil di atasnya yang menyebutkan halaman apa yang harus dilihat.
    • Kejutan penutup mata. Tutup mata pasangan Anda dan arahkan mereka ke tempat di mana Anda melakukan kencan pertama dan lakukan kencan itu lagi!
    • Tulis puisi cinta untuknya.
    • Buatlah valentine lebih awal. Gunting beberapa kertas dalam bentuk hati. Tulis sesuatu yang manis dengan warna merah dan taruh di dompet atau tasnya.
    • Jika pasangan Anda sedang dalam perjalanan bisnis, diam-diam sembunyikan catatan cinta di dalam kopernya.

    • Tawarkan untuk membantu mereka dengan tugas menakutkan yang harus mereka selesaikan dan buat itu menjadi waktu yang menyenangkan.
    • Lakukan sesuatu yang romantis dan spontan, seperti memetik sekuntum bunga dan memberikannya saat itu juga.
    • Ciptakan makanan dan beri nama menurut namanya.
    • Rekam diri Anda membaca puisi cinta romantis untuk kekasih Anda. Kemudian, berikan pasangan Anda CD dan beri tahu mereka untuk memutarnya di dalam mobil dalam perjalanan ke kantor.
    • Buatlah kolase cinta seukuran kartu pos. Kemudian, tutupi dengan selotip bening. Tulis pesan cinta di sisi lain dan kirimkan!
    • Simpan kotak berisi kenang-kenangan hal menyenangkan yang telah Anda lakukan bersama. Saat kotak sudah terisi, susunlah di papan dan bingkailah.
    • Beri sumbangan untuk amal atas nama cinta Anda untuk pasangan Anda. Berikan kekasih Anda sebuah kartu yang menunjukkan betapa bersyukurnya Anda bisa berbagi hidup dengannya.
    • Simpan kotak dengan kartu khusus, surat, foto, dan kenang-kenangan lainnya. Di hari jadi Anda atau di hari Valentine, luangkan sedikit waktu untuk berbagi kenangan indah bersama saat Anda meninjau konten. Kotak terkunci
    • Jalan-jalan di pantai bersama. Lari ke depan, tulis pesan di pasir, dan hubungi pasangan Anda untuk melihat apa yang Anda "temukan".
    • Sering-seringlah mengatakan "Aku mencintaimu", perlahan, dan dengan perasaan.
    • Buatlah poster kecil "Aku cinta kamu" dengan krayon, spidol, kolase, atau cat. Pasang di tempat-tempat yang mengejutkan: kamar mandi, lemari, mobil, di bawah bantalnya, di atas bantalnya.
    • Buat situs web atau blog kecil yang didedikasikan untuk mitra Anda. Tulis pesan cinta singkat setiap hari selama sebulan... atau selamanya.
    • Tunjukkan minat pada minat pasangan Anda. Untuk seorang wanita mungkin menonton pertandingan sepak bola dengan pria Anda. Dan untuk pria, mungkin akan melihat film cewek. Lakukan dengan semangat antusias dan cinta. Selamat bersenang-senang.

    Itulah tadi beberapa gambar romantis dan juga sedikit ulasan tentang hal dan sikap romantis, semoga bisa memberikan inspirasi bagi para pembaca ya, dan jangan lupa untuk subscribe blog Seuntaipuisi untuk update seru selanjutnya...

    *dibawah ini ada kisah cinta romantis dalam bentuk bahasa inggris tapi ya, silahkan dibaca guys klo suka..."

    Romantic Story


    As usual, Valentine's Day is colored with roses and chocolates. This time a man came rushing in the rain for the sake of his beloved lover.

    Knowing that he was late and it was raining quickly, he also apologized to his girlfriend who looked sullen. That day they planned to have dinner together, just like the woman wanted in the movies she watched.

    Romantic Story continue:

    The woman forgets that romance is not just imitating scenes in movies, which sometimes are not real. He also forgot that in fact, romance comes from various ways, such as those brought by his lover.

    "I brought you this flower," said the man. He remained silent and put on an unpleasant face.

    Finally he received 12 roses which were still wet from the rain. He was surprised, "why is there a plastic rose here? You are not willing to give me a rose?" his anger flared up again.

    Still patiently, the man replied, "I did bring 11 fresh roses and a plastic rose. For me, I will love you until the plastic rose dies ..."

    Feeling guilty for her outburst of anger, the woman burst into tears and hugged her lover. "I'm sorry, I already thought badly of you ..."

    The 11 stalks of fresh roses are just as beautiful as in the movies she saw, but the plastic rose that her lover brings symbolizes love that is eternal and never dies.

    See, romance does not only have to be viewed from the one thing that has been done in films.

    Romantic Story

    Love Story : Three Words Are Not Enough, Honey

    If you remember again, how many times did he say 'I love you'? One time? twice? or used to say when you were shooting and now almost never? Ladies, if at this time you doubt his love because he never says those three words again, there is something you need to know ...

    One day, a couple named Arya and Aryani were sitting by the lake. Hand in hand and fell silent. Not long after, the Aryani couple opened their voices.

    Romantic Story dialogue

    Aryani: Do you really love me?

    Arya: Of course, dear.

    Aryani: I want to hear from your own lips. You didn't say it when I asked.

    Arya: Ahhh ... I don't think I should be that way.

    Aryani: Why, why not?

    Arya: Hmm ... because of what ...

    Aryani: I just want you to say that you love me. That's all, why does it seem difficult?

    Arya: But I can't

    Aryanipun started sobbing. His mind was confused and he began to believe that Arya was not serious about him. He was just playing around, and he never loved her.

    Aryani: Then you don't love me!

    Still silent and staring at the flowing water calmly. Aryani let the tears run down her cheeks.

    Aryani: Why? Why do you have so much heart for me?

    Arya: So, do you really want to know?

    Aryani: Of course! (snaps)

    Aryani grabbed Aryani's shoulder and hugged his small body tightly. Kissing his forehead slowly and whispering in his ear, "because those three words are not enough to express how much I love you, baby ..."

    Romantic Story. It's never enough to say three words 'I love you'. Trust me, love is more than just that ...

    Romantic Story

    Love Story in a Cup of Salty Coffee

    This is a Romantic Story between Arun's grandfather and Gemma's grandmother. Hearing their love story, I realized that true love does exist. 

    Hopefully this Romantic Story can also heal the disappointment of your current love ...

    My grandmother was popular as the prettiest girl in town at that time. Many young people have their heart for their grandmother and are willing to give their love. Ranging from handsome to rich trying to attract grandmother's attention, but grandmother was never attracted to all the young men.

    Until one day grandfather met grandmother at a party. My grandfather was an ordinary young man. Not handsome, and not rich. That day he gathered all the courage himself to greet grandmother. Inviting him to just enjoy a cup of coffee at a coffee shop at the end of town. I don't know why my grandmother said yes. Hoping to get out of the hustle and bustle of the party soon.

    There they sat across from each other, with grandfather's worried faces hoping to talk a lot with my grandmother, who was ignorant and didn't seem interested at all. Grandma said, she accepted Grandpa's invitation because he was bored with the party. Grandma used Grandpa's excuse so he could go and come home immediately. In the middle of silent conversation, grandfather called the coffee shop waiter. "Sir, may I have a little salt to put in this coffee?" Everyone around the grandparents were astonished. What is salt in a cup of coffee for?

    This succeeded in attracting grandmother's attention. "What do you put salt in your coffee for?" asked the grandmother.

    "Oh ... this is just an old habit of my father. I used to live in a village near the coast. There we used to add salt to coffee to keep in mind the sea, where we live. And, today I miss my hometown. I I also miss my parents who have died. So that I won't forget them, I used to put salt in my coffee, "said Grandpa.

    Grandma was touched. Never met a young man as cute as a grandfather. Since then, they have always gone on dates and told long stories. They finally got married. Live happily, so you have many children and grandchildren.

    One time, on the 50th wedding anniversary, Grandpa finally breathed his last. In a box filled with wedding anniversary jewelery, he left a letter for his grandmother. Because my grandmother's eyes were not clear enough to read, she asked me to read it. This is what the letter says ...

    Dear Gemma,

    I apologize for a very big mistake, which I have done in my entire life. I have kept a big lie all this time. Remember when I took you to the coffee shop that day? At that time I was very nervous. I was so nervous I wanted to ask for more sugar for my coffee. However, somehow what came out was I asked for salt.

    I don't want to look ridiculous in front of you. And finally I made up the story. I don't know what else to do You look so beautiful and perfect, I don't want to let you go.

    But, believe me dear ... that all my life I have loved you very much. I don't want to lose myself. So even though every morning you make that salty coffee, everything always tastes sweet because of you. Honestly, you probably won't like the taste, because it actually tastes really bad.

    Gemma, I just want you to know that I love you so much.

    Grandma's tears rolled down her cheeks. She realized how much her grandfather loved her. Since then he has always added salt to his coffee. Every time someone asked how the taste of coffee when added with salt, he will answer "it's so sweet :)"

    Romantic Story

    Why do you love me?

    Have you ever asked your lover or husband, "why do you love me?" At least 3 out of 5 people have asked this question from their lover or husband. And, the answers you get are not always romantic, right? Even most of the men even respond with anxious, "isn't it enough for my presence to answer?"

    Here is a story that was left by men about their love ...

    One day, a couple was walking in the park. She picked a beautiful flower by the man and gave it to her lover, "this is for you dear." Unexpectedly, his lover fell silent. Not long after, he asked his girlfriend?

    Woman: Why do you like me? why do you love Me?

    Man: I don't know why either. But I love you so much, I love you baby.

    Woman: You are bad. You can't even mention a single reason why you like me. If someday someone is prettier than me, you will definitely leave me. How can you say you love me if you don't know the reason?

    Man: I really don't know why, honey. But, have not my care, compassion and presence in your life become proof of my love?

    Woman: What evidence? All prove nothing. I just need a reason, why can you like me? Why do you love me?

    Man: Okay, I'll try to find a reason. Eum ... because you are beautiful, you have a beautiful voice, your skin is smooth, your hair is soft ... Is that enough reason?

    Her lover then nodded, and accepted the flower happily.

    *** Romantic Story still continue below

    Several days later, an accident happened to the woman. She had to lose her long, soft hair in a pinch and had to cut it. He also had to lose his voice for a while because his vocal cords were hit so hard. Her skin, which was once smooth and smooth, is now exposed to several stitches. He lay helpless.

    Beside him was a letter. He also read it.

    "My lover,

    Since your voice is no longer as sweet as it used to be, how can I love you?

    And now that your hair is no longer long and soft, I can't caress it. I can't love you either.

    Especially now that there are many stitches on your face that were smooth before.

    If love really needs a reason, I guess I really can't love you anymore now.


    My love is not fake love.

    My love for you is sincere. I like the way you are. I'm not in love because you have a beautiful voice, beautiful hair and smooth skin. I love you without any reason.

    Until whenever, I will still love you. Even if your white hair starts to grow later, your skin starts to age and wrinkles, I always love you.

    Marry me..."

    Love never needs a reason. He will also remain mysteriously present. Come unexpectedly. Believe in the power of love, because you never know how much it will make your life happy.

    Romantic Story

    A Very Beautiful Coincidence

    Serendipity itself is a term from English which means 'coincidence'. To be said 'coincidence' was not something to be taken lightly, but a 'coincidence' that HIM seemed to have planned very well. As I feel this ...

    In fact, a brilliant GPA never guarantees someone getting a job quickly. In a hard working world, competition is much tougher than just GPA capital. And here I am, the achievement I have been proud of is like a sheet of paper that is only sent to various companies. I have received many calls, the result ... until now I have not had a single job that I can do. I almost gave up when a friend asked me to join a job fair at a famous hotel. And if this is an opportunity to achieve a dream, I will never miss it again.

    A voice startled me, "Can you help me?" with a kind and sweet smile he offered his help. I have never had any experience at job fairs. As a result, I just looked around and read all the list of company names that were plastered in front of the booth. "Ah, no. Still looking around," I replied. He then handed me a sheet of paper, which contained a work position at his company place. After I glanced, ah I don't think I'm interested at all. But somehow I finally handed him the envelope containing my CV.

    At least that's the only thing I can remember from the events of a year ago. I don't even remember that it was Bara who gave me the job info. I really underestimated him, even though it turned out to be a lot of fun working here.

    Speaking of Abhimanyu, he's the topic I want to talk about. He is polite, friendly, full of smiles and ahh ... it feels so perfect for me to tell. Haha ... let people think I love blind. But falling in love with him was a very happy coincidence. Something that I never thought before, and in fact we were deliberately brought together.

    *** Romantic Story continue below:

    "Ta, you have to organize the futsal event between divisions later, right? Mr. Bambang will come, you know!" said Silvia, my manager and friend. Oh no, I thought, if Pak Bambang comes it means that everything must be in perfect condition. He wouldn't like it if there were flaws here and there. My boss that one is the owner of this company. The third heir to the throne passed down from generation to generation from his grandfather. The man is very chatty and asks for this and that. And ... at once my daydream was interrupted by a sweet figure whose name I knew was Abi. "This is a list of participants, please compile and tidy up. If you don't know how to arrange it, just ask Silvia," she said, leaving me dumbfounded. He spoke fast, didn't look at me and left at once. Huh! Buy all my compliments to him, he is no longer a person who is sweet and I admire. He is so dirty and arrogant.

    As I thought, Pak Bambang did check all the details of the event this time. Commenting on everything from A to Z, even down to the players' shoes, cannot be separated from his comments. But apparently my efforts were not in vain. "Good job Tita!" he said praising me. What I had arranged made him satisfied even though it was still colored with comments from him.

    *** Romantic Story still more to come below:

    I sat down. I still remember the events last night when I had a big fight with my lover on the phone. I took the courage to meet him today, hoping that the problems between us can be resolved well and our relationship will return to how it used to be. "What are you doing here?" he said curtly. I did go home early and stopped by his office so that I had a chance to meet him in person. And to my surprise, his attitude almost made my guts shrink. "Don't talk here, let's just go," he continued. We also drove and continued last night's debate in a fast car. I'm scared. But my heart says this is my last attempt to maintain my commitment to him. A commitment I have appreciated over the past 3 years. I have a dream of marrying him. I love her so much.

    "Down!" he snapped. Near an intersection he yells and puts me down. With his usual emotional and nonchalant attitude. My lover is very temperamental. This wasn't the first time he'd dropped me off in the middle of an argument. I don't remember how many times he did it to me, to the point that I felt used to it. In my heart, the next day he will regret it and come early in the morning with an apology to me.

    Another day. My heart doesn't say that. And maybe this is our last meeting, where he no longer wants to continue our relationship. I myself feel this is a strange thing. Our relationship was not the normal running of lovers.